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The cat is an animal of the feline family (Felidae) in the phylum of mammals. With their petite form and adorable features, cats have become one of the most popular pets in the world.

Cats have a flexible body and gentle disposition, with triangular ears, small nose, and large round eyes. Cat coats come in a variety of colors and patterns, ranging from black, white, and gray to orange, yellow or brown. In addition, cats also have sharp claws and sharp teeth that help them hunt and defend themselves.

Cats are extremely versatile and skillful animals. They can jump high, climb trees and adjust their body rhythmically. Cats are also very clean animals, they spend a lot of time taking care of and washing their fur by licking it.

Cats are intelligent, mischievous animals and have the ability to interact well with humans. They love to play and interact with their owners through biting, petting and lying on their lap. Cats also have distinct personalities, ranging from sociable cats to independent and playful cats.

Cats are capable of hunting and are mobile animals, but in rural and urban habitats they are often kept as pets. Cats become a companion, bringing joy and warmth to the family. With their lovable personality and unique ability to interact, cats are truly an adorable and lovable animal.
cat, cat kitten, cute cat

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