The Silencing of the Coogoorah Park Frog Chorus

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A new culvert has been installed on an access road and has destroyed a significant breeding area for local frogs.

These recordings have been taken during the September breeding season since 2016. In 2021, this area was silent when it should have been alive with frogs laying eggs and competing for the right to fertilize them.

When this area flooded, it damaged a dirt road and blocked around 200m of access to a small but popular family park (not a major thoroughfare). The solution by the Surf Coast Shire was to build a culvert to allow water to drain freely and consequently also mix with acidic water from the river.

The road will now no longer flood, but it will never act as a breeding area for frogs either. The silence of the Coogoorah Park frog Chorus will fall without remediation actions.

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