My beauties #fish #love #beauty #nature #happiness

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Have a look at my beautiful fishes living happily in their blue world.
My marine tank includes a pair of red tail Shark, black sharks,some gold fish and pair of koi fish.
community fish tank

Community aquaria are tanks that are designed to
contain more than one species of fish. Most
commonly they include a variety of species that do
not normally occur together in nature, for example
angelfish from Brazil, swordtails from Mexico, and
gouramis from South East Asia. The aim of such
communities is to bring together fish that are
compatible in temperament and water
requirements, while using their different colours
and behaviors to add interest and entertainment
Though not usually called community tanks, most
marine aquaria fit into this category too, using fish
from places as diverse as the Caribbean, Red Sea,
and western Pacific Ocean.
Other aquarists prefer communities, called
biotopes, that represent particular geographic
locations, and combine fish with appropriate
decorative materials including endogenous rocks
and plants. The most popular of these
geographically correct community tanks are those
replicating the cichlid habitat of the East African
Rift lakes of Lake Tanganyika and Lake Malawi.
For freshwater community tanks, there are large
numbers of species that make successful
community fishes. Most of the livebearers, barbs,
tetras, rasboras, danios, and rainbowfishes are
peaceful, though a few species are fin nippers,
most notably tiger barbs and serpae tetras.
Angelfishes, gouramis, and Corydoras catfishes
are also popular, though angelfish are predatory
and will eat very small fish such as neon tetras and
livebearer fry. The size of the fish introduced within
a new or established community tank is an
essential factor to ensure harmony within the
setup. A traditional and proven practice suggest- If
a fish fits into the mouth of another fish, there are
more chances of it being eaten by the larger
variety. Understandably, all fish are opportunistic
animals which makes them prone to occasional
attacks on the other smal-sized members within
the tank. Considering the nature of aquatic
animals, it is better to pair similar sized fish to
maintain stable and peaceful aquarium
communities. " If neon tetras are kept around fish
unlikely to take advantage of their small size, they
are very peaceful towards other fish.
Many fishes are not suitable for typical community
tanks. These fishes include:
• Territorial or aggressive fishes, such as many
Red-tailed black sharks should not be placed
with others of their species, as they often
become territorial.
• Predatory fishes such as snakeheads, leaffishes,
and bucktooth tetras.
• Large active fishes that will outgrow their tanks
and tankmates, such as tinfoil barbs, iridescent
sharks, and larger catfishes.
• Fragile fishes, or fishes that get nervous around
more active fish, such as the discus and
threadfin rainbowfish.
Slow or specialized eaters that cannot compete
other tankmates, such as pipefishes.

Most freshwater aquarium fish do well in water
that is soft to moderately hard, and that has a pH
between 6 and 8.
Brackish water aquaria are a special case and
need dedicated community tanks. While a few
freshwater and marine fish can adapt to brackish
water, most cannot.
The most deadly chemical in aquarium water is
ammonia, produced from fish excretions. It is
important to test for ammonia, since it is a
chemical precursor of nitrites and nitrates, also
harmful to fish. Ammonia is removed from the
water through the nitrogen cycle, which takes
place within the aquarium filter, which takes a few
weeks to start processing the ammonia. The
processed ammonia is converted to nitrite, which
is then processed to nitrate. Weekly water changes
(25% of aquarium volume), while vacuuming
debris from the bottom of the tank, can solve this
problem of nitrate build-up, provided the tank is not
Build-up of algae is largely related to light level and
mineral imbalance. An aquarium near a window is
likely to be overgrown with algae. A material
known as a 'phosphate sponge" is available at
aquarium shops to leach the phosphate out of the
aquarium and reduce the growth of algae.


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