Week 4 Part 1 #50WeeksOfPico #PicoReef #coralreef #saltwateraquarium #reeftank #coralreeftank

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Follow our 50 week journey to establishing a pico reef from scratch! We start with simple ingredients and show the ups and downs of getting that bite sized slice of the reef into your home. Perfect for showcasing that prized coral, a pico reef can be whatever you want. For us, we are using our Bio branch to create a Zoa forest around a central show piece. So come along and see what you’re missing if you haven’t tried to keep a reef tank smaller than your gallon of milk in the fridge! #tankbuild #aquariummaintenance #aquascapeaquarium #fishtankdesign #marineaquarium

In this episode we admire the healthy corals (probably too much) and we give them some food so they grow up to be nice and happy! Like and Subscribe so you don't miss what comes next!

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