Success growing houseplants in my aquarium -And the aquarium plants have gone crazy too!

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Finally we have found some success with aquarium plants, not only the aquarium plants but also the houseplants that we grow in our aquariums, and the koi pond waterfall plants are thriving as well not to mention the Bonsai trees, Pothos and Succulents.
We cant say that the aquariums are low tech but they aren't high tech either, they are affordable aquariums that are achievable on low to medium budgets, without the need to be a master aquascaper or have any real experience.
Although the Monstera, Pothos and Peace Lily fish tank are more for my viewing pleasure and the only way i can have some plants with my clown loach, oscars and tinfoil barbs not destroying them.
The main purpose for the aquatic plants in my juwel trigon 190 is to provide a good home for the balloon mollies, guppies, plecos, caridina and neocaridina shrimp and shrimplets of various species including cherry shrimp, blue shrimp, green shrimp, skittle shrimp, riley shrimp, thai bee, king kongs, panda shrimp and crystal shrimp to name a few.
The plants also provide great hiding spaces for fry and shrimplets and do a great job at reducing nitrates, nitrites and ammonia providing a helping hand with the nitrogen cycle and the botanicals provide a great source of food for the shrimp and plecos from the micro organisms that grow on them.
The raised sleeper 1000g koi pond with pond viewing window is difficult to have plants in as we want to reduce the risk of koi hurting themselves and we have a sterlet in with the koi so don't want to risk him getting stuck in the plants. So we have nitrogen loving plants like mind your own business in the water fall to help with water filtration and it looks great and creates a kind of a nature wildlife pond or bog filter above the koi pond.
Some of the success is due to regular maintenance and keeping to a good water change schedule and trimming the plants regularly and now we are using API leaf zone we have definitely noticed a big difference with how lush the plants grow especially the tiger lotus lily, monte carlo, ludwigia super red and sessiliflora.
This video is the culmination of a few good weeks of fishkeeping by a enthusiastic hobbyist.

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#fishkeeping #aquarium #fishtank #fish
how to grow houseplants in an aquarium, is api leaf zone any good, how to breed neocaridina shrimp

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