Numbat Calling Sound || Suara Pemanggil Numbat
Numbats are animals that symbolize the region of Western Australia, but unfortunately their population is currently threatened with extinction. To protect this animal, which now only exists in a few small colonies, the Australian government has initiated a conservation program.
Numbats have a small body size, with a length of around 35-45 cm, measured from the tip of the head to the tip of the tail, where the length of the tail is almost the same as the length of the body. Numbat's body weight ranges from 280 grams to 700 grams.
Unlike other marsupials, Numbats are active during the day. They hunt termites as their main food during the day, using their strong claws and very long, slender, sticky tongues to catch termites.
Numbat's range originally included South Australia, Western Australia and southwestern New South Wales. However, since the arrival of Europeans to Australia, their distribution area has shrunk. Currently, Numbat can only be found in two locations, namely Dryandra Woodland and Perup Nature Reserve, both located in the Western Australia region.
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Dasyuromorphia
Genus: Myrmecobius
Binomial name: Myrmecobius fasciatus
The sound of a Numbat / the sound of a Numbat caller / the sound of calling a Numbat / the sound of looking for a Numbat / the sound of a Numbat attracting
Auto repeat videos on youtube can be done by right-clicking on the video loop on PC/Laptop/Notebook, If using a smartphone with three dots above the video in the youtube application, change the video loop position off to on.
Numbat adalah hewan yang melambangkan wilayah Australia Barat, tetapi sayangnya saat ini populasi mereka terancam punah. Untuk melindungi hewan ini, yang sekarang hanya ada dalam beberapa koloni kecil, pemerintah Australia telah menginisiasi program konservasi.
Numbat memiliki ukuran tubuh yang kecil, dengan panjang sekitar 35-45 cm, diukur dari ujung kepala hingga ujung ekornya, di mana panjang ekornya hampir sama dengan panjang tubuhnya. Berat badan Numbat berkisar antara 280 gram hingga 700 gram.
Berbeda dengan marsupial (hewan berkantung) lainnya, Numbat aktif di siang hari. Mereka berburu rayap sebagai makanan utama mereka di siang hari, menggunakan cakar kuat dan lidah yang sangat panjang, ramping, serta lengket untuk menangkap rayap.
Daerah penyebaran Numbat awalnya mencakup Australia Selatan, Australia Barat, dan bagian barat daya New South Wales. Namun, sejak kedatangan orang Eropa ke Australia, wilayah penyebaran mereka semakin menyusut. Saat ini, Numbat hanya dapat ditemukan di dua lokasi, yaitu Dryandra Woodland dan Perup Nature Reserve, keduanya terletak di wilayah Australia Barat.
Kerajaan: Animalia
Filum: Chordata
Kelas: Mammalia
Ordo: Dasyuromorphia
Genus: Myrmecobius
Nama binomial: Myrmecobius fasciatus
Bunyi Numbat / Bunyi Pemanggil Numbat / Bunyi Numbat / Bunyi Mencari Numbat / Bunyi Pemikat Numbat
Auto repeat video di youtube bisa dilakukan dengan klik kanan video loop di PC/Laptop/Notebook, Jika menggunakan smartphone dengan tiga titik di atas video di aplikasi youtube, ubah posisi video loop off menjadi on.
Numbats are animals that symbolize the region of Western Australia, but unfortunately their population is currently threatened with extinction. To protect this animal, which now only exists in a few small colonies, the Australian government has initiated a conservation program.
Numbats have a small body size, with a length of around 35-45 cm, measured from the tip of the head to the tip of the tail, where the length of the tail is almost the same as the length of the body. Numbat's body weight ranges from 280 grams to 700 grams.
Unlike other marsupials, Numbats are active during the day. They hunt termites as their main food during the day, using their strong claws and very long, slender, sticky tongues to catch termites.
Numbat's range originally included South Australia, Western Australia and southwestern New South Wales. However, since the arrival of Europeans to Australia, their distribution area has shrunk. Currently, Numbat can only be found in two locations, namely Dryandra Woodland and Perup Nature Reserve, both located in the Western Australia region.
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Dasyuromorphia
Genus: Myrmecobius
Binomial name: Myrmecobius fasciatus
The sound of a Numbat / the sound of a Numbat caller / the sound of calling a Numbat / the sound of looking for a Numbat / the sound of a Numbat attracting
Auto repeat videos on youtube can be done by right-clicking on the video loop on PC/Laptop/Notebook, If using a smartphone with three dots above the video in the youtube application, change the video loop position off to on.
Numbat adalah hewan yang melambangkan wilayah Australia Barat, tetapi sayangnya saat ini populasi mereka terancam punah. Untuk melindungi hewan ini, yang sekarang hanya ada dalam beberapa koloni kecil, pemerintah Australia telah menginisiasi program konservasi.
Numbat memiliki ukuran tubuh yang kecil, dengan panjang sekitar 35-45 cm, diukur dari ujung kepala hingga ujung ekornya, di mana panjang ekornya hampir sama dengan panjang tubuhnya. Berat badan Numbat berkisar antara 280 gram hingga 700 gram.
Berbeda dengan marsupial (hewan berkantung) lainnya, Numbat aktif di siang hari. Mereka berburu rayap sebagai makanan utama mereka di siang hari, menggunakan cakar kuat dan lidah yang sangat panjang, ramping, serta lengket untuk menangkap rayap.
Daerah penyebaran Numbat awalnya mencakup Australia Selatan, Australia Barat, dan bagian barat daya New South Wales. Namun, sejak kedatangan orang Eropa ke Australia, wilayah penyebaran mereka semakin menyusut. Saat ini, Numbat hanya dapat ditemukan di dua lokasi, yaitu Dryandra Woodland dan Perup Nature Reserve, keduanya terletak di wilayah Australia Barat.
Kerajaan: Animalia
Filum: Chordata
Kelas: Mammalia
Ordo: Dasyuromorphia
Genus: Myrmecobius
Nama binomial: Myrmecobius fasciatus
Bunyi Numbat / Bunyi Pemanggil Numbat / Bunyi Numbat / Bunyi Mencari Numbat / Bunyi Pemikat Numbat
Auto repeat video di youtube bisa dilakukan dengan klik kanan video loop di PC/Laptop/Notebook, Jika menggunakan smartphone dengan tiga titik di atas video di aplikasi youtube, ubah posisi video loop off menjadi on.
- Catégories
- Mots-clés
- Numbat Calling, Numbat Calling Sound, Sound of a Numbat caller