Amphibians are most threatened vertebrate taxon. In Uganda Leptopelis karissimbensis (Karissimbi tree frog) is considered the most threatened amphibian species (National Red List, 2016) and its further listed as Vulnerable (VU) under IUCN Red List (IUCN, 2020).Threats are attributed to ongoing decline in the extent and quality of its associated habitat caused by farming activities such as indiscriminate inorganic pesticides use, illegal grazing/watering of cattle in the park and surrounding swamps by farmers, collection of non-timber forest products for fuel cause uncontrolled human movement into the frogs habitat. This project will document risks to L. karissimbensis and its habitats, identify key habitats, population size and create educational and awareness raising initiatives to reduce harmful effects of indiscriminate inorganic pesticide use, illegal grazing and watering cattle in the park/adjacent swamps. Planting native tree seedlings for habitat restoration, removing invasive species and constructing community cattle drinking/watering points will reduce illegal grazing and watering cattle in the park and adjacent swamps. This initiative will identify, reduce human related threats to Leptopelis karissimbensis frog as a flagship species whilst improving knowledge for urgent amphibian conservation planning in Uganda.
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