Wild Hares of Pakistan | Status and Facts of Different Species of Wild Rabbits| Wildlife of Pakistan

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Leporidae is the family of rabbits and hares, containing over 60 species of extant mammals in all. The Latin word Leporidae means "those that resemble lepus" (hare). Together with the pikas, the Leporidae constitute the mammalian order Lagomorpha. Leporidae differ from pikas in that they have short, furry tails and elongated ears and hind legs.

The common name "rabbit" usually applies to all genera in the family except Lepus, while members of Lepus (almost half the species) usually are called hares. Like most common names, however, the distinction does not match current taxonomy completely; jackrabbits are members of Lepus, and members of the genera Pronolagus and Caprolagus sometimes are called hares.

There are three species of Wild Hares found in Pakistan

1. Indian Hare or Black-naped Hare - Lepus nigricollis
2. Cape Hare - Lepus Capensis
3. Tibetan Desert Hare - Lepus tibatenus

Various countries across all continents except Antarctica and Australia have indigenous species of Leporidae. Furthermore, rabbits, most significantly the European rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus, also have been introduced to most of Oceania and to many other islands, where they pose serious ecological and commercial threats.

A Documentary about Mammals of Pakistan presented by Nisar Ahmad TV

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